His firts solo exhibition took plae in Porto, in 1953 and since then as a regular activity of exhibitions in and out of the country.
In 1960 he wins a fellowship from Gulbenkian. Travelled trough Spain, France,Italy, Switzerland, Belgium and Holland.
Picasso and Van Gogh had a deeply mark at the beginning of his artistic journey, but it would be Pop Art that would determinate his artistic language.
António Charrua is represented in public and private collectios such as: Soares dos Reis National Museum, Porto; Center of Modern Art José e Azeredo Perfição, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon; Chiado Museum, Lisbon; Helsinki Museum, Finland.
In 2015 it tooked place an anthological exhibition of his work, entitled "X from Charrua", at the Center of Modern Art (CAM) - Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation