05 JUN-03 JUL
Letter to a Young Artist
What we expect to see when it first sees the portfolio of a young artist who praised us? Energy, joy, speed solutions, hard work and continued ... Everything Filipa Saragga shows to - dare I say, all that shows you want to pursue.
What it does not matter that the work still to reveal? Ingenuity - because we know (from Almada) is that the ingenuity of the matrix that is the wonder and amazement that opens our eyes to the world. Some excess of paths - because we know that curiosity is the door that lifts us out of blind discipline and helps us to conquer the world. And for a young artist, only to require that open your eyes to the world and wishes to earn it.
This is a huge demand, few managed to stay the course: to conserve vital energy, transforming joy in depth (...)
Joćo Pinharanda
Sines, 21st May 2010
2010 AP'ARTE contemporary art gallery  |  All rights reserved