17 APR-29 MAY
In spaces of creative freedom openly emotional, in secret images that pollute the artistic splendor of the invention, in tears unrestrained spread of transcendence in successive bursts of feeling, Edward Green Pine gives us paintings that are not passive dew drops, but torrential rain Spa liberates the indifference and the observer projected on rationalization of their own impulses of the unconscious.
Drawing directly on the screen colors to the brush, so that the line is painting and drawing in pure visual harmony, Edward Green Pine demand in the first phase of his work, capturing, cheerfully and wholeheartedly for perfection of style, to boldly challenge interpretation of man in society and walk in a pilgrimage of existence. It follows a painting that captures the pain of the world in (...)
Delfim Sousa
Director of Casa-Museu Teixeira-Lopes
2010 AP'ARTE contemporary art gallery  |  All rights reserved