2015: E surpreendentemente a Liberdade, AP’ARTE Galeria, Porto.
Desencarcerar a paisagem na pedagogia das fronteiras, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes
e Alto Douro, Vila Real
2014: Nós na Luz Reconquistada, Centro de Artes de Sines, Sines;
Semeando espelhos no escuro da perspetiva – Alice na cidade, Museu Nacional Machado
de Castro, Galeria Pinho Dinis, Museu Municipal de Coimbra – Edifício Chiado, CES, FEUC,
FLUC, Paço das Escolas da Universidade de Coimbra, Café Sta Cruz, TAGV, Coimbra;
O Padrão dos Encobrimentos, Teatro Municipal, Guarda
2013: Lavando o açúcar na fonte acreditando noutros gerúndios, AP’ARTE Galeria, Porto. (cat.)
Expectativa de Ouro, Centro de Artes, Sever do Vouga. (cat.)
2012: Journeys of a canary in the coal mine, Foundation D. Louis I - Centro Cultural de Cascais, Cascais. (cat.)
Portuguese Sea an account that God did not, Municipal Art Gallery of Barcelos, Barcelos. (cat.)
Foam divine grape and other enticements, Municipal Library Florbela Espanca, Matosinhos.
Preparing the 'Revelation and the Rapture of Europe', Palace of the Dukes, Guimarães 2012 - European Capital of Culture.
2011: Raising the blood of the earth, the Wine Museum Bairrada, Anadia. (cat.)
Rearranging the tour, Piaget Institute of Higher Education, Viseu and Bragança.
2010: Memory error between obligation and freedom, Cultural Center, Trancoso.
Inside Icarus, Museum Teixeira Lopes, Vila Nova de Gaia.
2009: Tutti Frutti deviation for the whole family, Arthobler Gallery, Lisbon.
D desmaquilhar, ACERT / Gallery Arthobler, Tondela.
2008: Sweet Slaves, Bloc Space Art Gallery, Sheffield.
Make friends among animals, Minimal Gallery, Porto.
The Keeper of Sheep, Gallery Nuno Sacramento, Aveiro. (cat.)
2007: New names for old things, Museum Nogueira da Silva Braga.
Minimal Gallery, Porto.
2006: MCO Contemporary Art - smvsevm, Porto.
2005: Il Movement Lecture Guidi, Accademia Di Belle Arti di Bologna, Bologna.


2012: Apocalypse and the abduction of Europe, Alberto Sampaio Museum, Guimarães 2012 - European Capital of Culture.
Farm scene of Reading - Less spun more fado, Theatre Campo Alegre, Porto.
2011: Embroidery Enamorado, design Mario Victory poem by Manuel António Pina and embroidered by The Workshop, 2011 edition, Museum
Alberto Sampaio and The Workshop, Guimaraes.
2010: Mário Soares in Arcos de Liberdade, Tribute to Dr. Mário Soares event in Council of State, House of Arts, Arches
Farm scene of Reading - Isaquetamente: choices poetic Isaac Ferreira, Theatre Campo Alegre, Porto.
2010 AP'ARTE contemporary art gallery  |  All rights reserved